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AngularJS Vs. ReactJS – Which One Should You Use for Your Mobile App

Mobile application development has been garnering more interest from modern businesses that were previously solely available on the web or were not digitized at all. The app development technology landscape is continuously flooded with arguments between experts and the developer community, and there doesn’t seem to be a right or a wrong answer. However, for…

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Here Is Why We Are Big Fans of Python’s Flask Framework

Think web development, and the first name that crops up in everyone’s mind is Python (Read: Why Is Python A Popular Choice For Enterprise Applications?) Python offers frameworks that developers can use to create codes or applications within a defined structure. This enables them to focus on the logic of the application rather than bother…

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Why Now is The Time to Leverage Staff Augmentation

The COVID-19 pandemic has had extraordinary effects on people and the economy. But one thing that has been pronounced – its impact on the world of work. No other pandemic in history has been able to turn the world completely on its head. This pandemic has placed us under extreme restrictions, and many organizations are…

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The Post COVID Era Will Be One of Remote (or Distributed) Talent

It is time to suit up for remote work. For the first time in the history of work, we have an overwhelming majority of the workforce operating remotely. Federal and local jurisdictions continue to increase the lockdown duration, and the workplace becomes increasingly remote, bringing us to an interesting crossroad – we now have the…

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Hybrid Mobile Apps or Native Mobile Apps – When to Choose What?

As enterprises take the ‘mobile-first’ strategy more seriously than ever, they face the classic dilemma of choosing the right way to move ahead with mobile apps development- to go hybrid or native. And the good and the bad news is, there’s no right answer. Hybrid mobile apps and native mobile apps serve entirely different purposes,…

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5 Tech Trends Insurance Companies Need to be Aware Of

Let’s accept it – the world is going through terrific changes at a significant speed, and to stay alive and thrive in the market, industries need to mold themselves according to evolving technologies and customer needs. As for the insurance industry, its relevance will perhaps never go out-of-date. Human life is surrounded by risks, and…

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A Little Help from Us for Product Companies in These Trying Times

It seems like it was just the other day when businesses across the globe were making robust projections about their growth. Today, we are all revising our best-laid plans and projections in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic. But, it is good to see that the world is standing together against this pandemic. However,…

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How To Spend Less When You Are Developing A Software Product

Developing software can be expensive. According to GoodFirms Research’s survey, the average cost of developing software is about $36000. And the cost varies. It is dependent on various factors, such as: The complexity of the product: The more complex the product, the more expensive will be the development. Expertise: Complex projects would also require people…

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What the Insurance Industry Can Learn from the Retail Industry When It Comes to Customer Experience

Customer experience has been an integral part of the conventional B2C sales model since time immemorial. Even before there were marketing analysts and growth hackers helping out large corporations and big-box stores, great customer experience and its importance was widely known. “Customer experience is the new marketing battlefront” – Chris Pemberton In this article, we…

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Why Is Python A Popular Choice For Enterprise Applications?

Enterprise applications are essential components of every company. Research suggests that by 2021, the worldwide IT spending on enterprise software is expected to reach USD 556 Billion! These are the applications that help employees complete or automate various tasks, such as data processing, customer support, and resource management. They help companies improve their productivity, reduce…

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