June 2020

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Enterprise Mobility Strategy in The New Normal of Remote Working

Enterprise mobility is imperative for modern businesses, more than ever since the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the world is pushed into the era of social distancing, the enterprises that were sticking to the conventional means of operations with little or no mobile transformation have to migrate to remote working. While some were prepared…

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Let’s Talk About DevSecOps

If there are two things software development organizations are perennially worried about, it’s quality and speed: the quality of products they can bring into the market, and the speed at which they can do it. As the pressure of bringing high-quality products quickly into the market mounts, DevOps has facilitated teams to achieve both these…

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Go For Hybrid App Development If…

Did you know that some of the world’s top apps, such as Instagram and Netflix, are developed using hybrid app development? So, what makes it so popular? If we have to say it in three words, it would be – fast, easy, and cost-effective. However, despite the advantages it offers developers and companies, it might…

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The Pros and Cons Of React Native App Development

Ever since its launch in 2015, React Native has gained popularity among developers. According to a survey, 42% of software developers said that they use React Native for developing apps. So, what makes React Native developer’s favorite? To begin with, React Native has some popular brands backing it. Originally popularized by Facebook, React Native is…

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AngularJS Vs. ReactJS – Which One Should You Use for Your Mobile App

Mobile application development has been garnering more interest from modern businesses that were previously solely available on the web or were not digitized at all. The app development technology landscape is continuously flooded with arguments between experts and the developer community, and there doesn’t seem to be a right or a wrong answer. However, for…

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Here Is Why We Are Big Fans of Python’s Flask Framework

Think web development, and the first name that crops up in everyone’s mind is Python (Read: Why Is Python A Popular Choice For Enterprise Applications?) Python offers frameworks that developers can use to create codes or applications within a defined structure. This enables them to focus on the logic of the application rather than bother…

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